Replica Quality Levels Explained

When it comes to designer replicas, there is a wide spectrum of quality and authenticity. These replicas can range from near-perfect clones to low-quality imitations. Here are the six levels of designer replicas, ranked from best to street level:
  1. Top Master: The creme de la creme of designer replicas. Top Master replicas are virtually indistinguishable from the original. They use the same imported leathers and metals for the zippers, buckles and the logo emblems. The attention to detail is unparalleled, making these replicas perfect clones of the original designer pieces. The craftsmanship is of the highest quality available. It is certainly challenging to spot any differences between a Lux House Top Master replica and the genuine article. $350-1,000
  2. Master: Master replicas come very close to the Top Master level but ay have a minor flaw that is virtually undetectable. They are crafted with high-quality materials and are exceptionally well-made. Master replicas are a great choice for those who want an identical replica but are willing to accept an unnoticeable imperfection. $275-500
  3. 1:1 High Mirror: These replicas offer excellent quality at a more affordable price point. While there may be a few flaws that are undetectable by an untrained eye, they definitely provide a convincing appearance. High Mirror replicas use quality materials and maintain a high level of craftsmanship. They strike a balance between quality and affordability. High Mirrors are the most popular. $160-300
  4. 5A Mirror: Mirror replicas look quite similar to the original designer items but tend to have more noticeable flaws. They are made with lesser quality leathers and plasticky hardware, making them less convincing up close. However, from a distance or in low lighting, they can still appear relatively authentic. $99 – 200
  5. 4A Mirror (Fantasy Bags): This category includes replicas of styles that the designer never created. These “fantasy bags” are invented in the factories and are not copies of existing designer pieces. While they might look fashionable, they lack authenticity and are often made with materials of varying quality. If you’re looking for unique styles, these could be an option, but don’t expect them to pass as genuine designer items. $75 – $300
  6. Street Level 3A: The lowest quality level among designer replicas. Street Level 3A replicas are made of the poorest quality materials, and they often use imitation leather. They may have visible flaws and are unlikely to pass as authentic to anyone familiar with the original designer products. These replicas are generally not recommended for those seeking quality and authenticity. $50 – 150
@everyone I hope this quality and price range information will help guide you no matter where you buy. Thank you for being a member of The Lux House.